La Salle Avenue Elementary Home

"Where the stars stay shining"
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About Us

Welcome to La Salle Avenue Spanish Dual Language Elementary School. On behalf of our school staff, we thank you for your ongoing support of ensuring the academic success and social emotional well-being of our students

News & Announcements

End of Year Formative Assessments

End of Year Formative Assessments / Evaluaciones Formativas De Fin De Año

Parents! We need your support with the following:
Healthy snacks for grades 3 - 5
Encourage students to get a good night's sleep
Present every day and on time

Padres! Necesitamos su apoyo en lo siguente:
Snacks saludables para los grados 3 al 5
Animar a los estudiantes a que descansen por la noche
Presentarse todos los dias y a tiempo
Free On Demand Tutoring Elementary / Ayuda con la tarea - Tutoria Individual 2023-24

Free On Demand Tutoring Elementary / Ayuda con la tarea - Tutoria Individual 2023-24

To support students and families, LAUSD is providing on demand homework help with a personal virtual tutor. This support is available to all LAUSD students at no cost to families in multiple languages.
We have contracted with Paper to ensure 24/7 instant support for all students and families.

Para ayudar a los estudiantes y familias, LAUSD esta brindando ayuda con la tarea en todo momento con un tutor individual virtualmente. Este apoyo esta disponible para todos los estudiantes de LAUSD sin costo alguno para las familias en diferentes idiomas. Hemos estabiecido un contrato con Paper para asegurar apoyo instantaneo para todos los estudiantes y familias las 24 Horas del dia y los 7 dias de la semana.
Eligibilty Map Link

Bus Transportation

LAUSD is now accepting transportation requests directly via the link on the LAUSD website for The Transportation Division.

The link allows any parent/guardian to directly request transportation for their LAUSD student. Parents' transportation requests will now go to the transportation team, who will seek to add students to existing bus routes for their respective schools.


Feb 3

Coffee with the Principal

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent-Teacher Room (Room 6)

Mar 3

Coffee with the Principal

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent-Teacher Room (Room 6)

Apr 7

Coffee with the Principal

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent-Teacher Room (Room 6)

May 5

Coffee with the Principal

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent-Teacher Room (Room 6)

Jun 2

Coffee with the Principal

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent-Teacher Room (Room 6)

Our Mission

At La Salle Avenue Spanish Dual Language Elementary School's mission is to maximize every scholar's learning potential within an atmosphere of authentic caring and belonging. Our scholars will develop critical thinking and analytical skills through the meaningful, active participation in culturally relevant and responsive instructional practices and with a targeted interdisciplinary thematic approach to instructional content and practices that employ a project based, real-world, collaborative group effort. Our scholars will be exposed to student-centered learning experiences that will create bi-literate individuals who are college and career ready willing and able to achieve as 21st Century global learners.